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The type of plastic bags

The plastic bags can be made of several materials, such as OPPCPPPPPEPVAEVAetc. They have different characters.


Featurehardthe shape will not change after being pulled. Can not be pulled. Jointing edges. Max length is 640 mmL:1.28mW:0.6m.

Advantagewell transparency

Shortcomingedge is not very firm

PP BAG(Polypropylene)

Featurehard, but not hard then OPPthe shape will change after pull. Joint at bottom or edges. Transparency is not as good as OPP.

PE BAG(Polyethylene)

FeatureContains formalinTransparency is not very good.

HDPEHigh density polyethylene: Brickle.

LDPELow density polyethylene: soft


Featureenvironment un-polluted materialcan melt in water.

Advantagesoftwell transparency.


FeatureDoes not contain formalin, transparency is better than PE, it will become longer after being pulled. Transparency is as good as PPas soft as PE.

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